Sunday 16 February 2014

Tres Leches Cake

I cant believe its been so many months and i still haven't written another post! Actually I'm not surprised. I am lazy like that. I have been cooking and occasionally baking too for all these months, but like i said, I'm lazy. Moving on..

I attended a Buttercream Decorating classes because I felt the need to decorate my cakes more professionally (ahem!), I scoured Facebook and zeroed in on Subhashini who bakes and teaches under the name of Fondbites and she blogs too. You can check out her wonderful blog here or check her Facebook page here. I also found out that she has a bake-along group in Facebook where she posts a recipe every week and challenges the members to bake that recipe within the week and post pics. If at all u read my other 2 posts you would know that i started a blog inspired by Daring Bakers but i am yet to bake even one challenge (yes, please refer to para 1). Maybe I'm intimidated, i don't know. Anyway, bottom line of this rant is that i was graciously accepted by Subhashini into Fondbites Bake Along group and i have successfully completed 2 challenges.

The Tres Leches Cake was the first challenge i did. I had bought a can of Evaporated Milk on a trip abroad for the sole purpose of making Tres Leches Cake. Evaporated milk is not easily available here in Chennai. But I never got around to making the cake. So when this was posted as the challenge, I was extremely excited.

Tres Leches which means Three Milks is basically a Sponge Cake soaked in three kinds of milks. Traditionally the 3 "milks" in the recipe are: Condensed Milk, Evaporated Milk and Cream. But Subhashini encouraged us to use anything our hearts desired, even juice! So i used Vanilla Milkshake, Litchi Juice and the Evaporated Milk. Just imagine the combination! Mmmm.. I would like to make it the traditional way once just to know how that would taste. The recipe also calls for a whipped cream topping but i decided to skip it and enjoy the cake as it is.

The End Result: The cake was Oh My God! delicious. Everybody at home were stunned. They were like- what is this?? Is it a cake? Is it a pudding? And by the time i went in for a second helping it was gone!! Yes- it is THAT delicious. Try it for yourself if u don't believe me. I dare you to not like it! It literally melts in your mouth- no need to chew! Another win for a lazy person like me!

This is the link to Subhashini's recipe: Tres Leches Cake
I hope you give it a try and get to eat a piece of heaven :)

This has been baked for Fondbites, Bake Along, a group of enthusiastic bakers who bake one recipe every week.